
Waterfall Canyons

My friend Krystina and I decided to go for a hike the other day...we probably could have picked an easier one, but at least this one had an ending that was way worth the pain and short-of-breath-ness. :)
At the beginning..we looked somewhat put together. :)

We thought this was the waterfall...until this cute older lady informed us we had about 30 more minutes of hiking (which was basically rock climbing) to go. (we are starting to look a little disheveled here haha)

We FINALLY made it...we were pooped, our legs were shaking and we (or at least I) didn't think I could move ever again.  But man...it was obviously worth it!

 I loved feeling the cool air and sprinkles of the water come down on us. It was amazing!!
I'm definately not a hiking/outdoorsy girl, but if all hikes had this ending I might be able to get into it!

Baby Blankets...

So lately I have become an 80 year old woman that is obsessed with crochetting baby blankets!! This was my official first blanket...and I must say it turned out sooo freaking cute! I just love it! (ps.sorry the pictures are sideways)