
Another One Bites The Dust

Well Friday was spent watching my younger cousin Ryan get married to Reanna. Congratualtions to them. It was a great day. The sealing ceremony was beautiful and I think everything went very smoothly. They make a cute couple, even if they only look like they are 16 years old. I spent the day taking video for the wedding video. And barely got it done in time for the reception. Then once I got to the reception we couldn't get the tv and dvd player to work, there was much stress and frustration, but eventually it came together and everything was great.

Todd and Kathleen below. Do you think they are next?! I'm betting so, but we'll have to see. (Todd's trying to hide I think)
The Newlyweds. They are so cute! Again Congrats to them both. I hope they have a happy marriage and life together!


Happy Birthday!

Well folks, its official. I'm 24 years old. And as Travis was so kind to remind me...I'm almost half way to 50! Thanks Trav!

Kathleen decorated my cake...and then Tate and Holly decided to add to it with their own decorations. (this was the before shot) Thanks Kath!

I invited pretty much everyone I knew to a bowling party to celebrate.

Travis and Michelle Butler

Me and cousin Melissa
Dad on his way to a STRIKE!
Tiffany (MTC companion) and her cousin Austin.

THANKS so much for the wonderful time. I appreciate all your love and friendships! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!


The David's

Well, what can I say. I didn't vote for either, but I was hoping that D. Archuleta would take the title. If we were voting for the better singer it was Archie, if we were voting for the better performer it was Cook.
I have to agree with what Simon said about this one, I didn't really care which David won since both were very talented and such nice people. So I'm not worried about little David he'll still have a good career I believe and congrats to the new American Idol-David Cook!


The Decision...

Well folks, the decision has been made. After that poll of my career choice, and thanks to my cousin Steve (who voted more than once and after the poll was actually closed) my new career choice is......Professional Bum. Thanks to Steve and Melissa I was invited to bum around their place. I really appreciate the offer guys. You'll be seeing me around that's for sure. Thanks for everyone's input, wish me well in my new life path!