
One more thing to do....

So I've been trying to come up with something that I could do that would make me a little more income. After much thought I came up with something I used to do, but haven't done since I haven't lived at home in a while and haven't had a piano so.....I'm going to start teaching piano lessons again. If anyone is interested...young or old...I want to start teaching soon so give me a call. I know a lot of you will think I'm crazy because I'm already way too busy...but I really have missed the piano and hope to fulfill an emptiness I've had since I haven't played as much as I used to! YEAH!


Coming soon.....

I've been informed that I need to update my blog, well I know I haven't updated anything in a long time, but things have been sooo sooo crazy with me lately. So I promise that there is a quite a bit that I will post here sometime soon!!

Coming soon....
More family vacation pictures
My San Diego Trip
Carrie's Wedding
Any other info I feel so inclined to give!