
My Dad Is The Greatest

I love that we get to specifically celebrate having parents in our lives. Today was Father's day. I'm so grateful for my Dad! He really is the best father I could have ever hoped for. I always think I want to marry someone with a lot of my dad's qualities. He is trustworthy, hard working, honest, funny, a worthy preisthood holder, etc. I hope that I will find someone that can be as good of father to my own children as my dad has been to me and my siblings. I am so blessed! Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

Tara Williams said...

You're so cute! I miss you here in TN. Guess what!? For the 1st time in like 10 years, we have Elders in LaFollette!!! They're great and all...but they're no Baxter & Shearer!!! :)