
A word about school

This semester I'm taking some more difficult classes that are the beginning of my medical career. Now I'm pretty smart...some days....but I've struggled with school the last few years. And this semester is no exception. Now....I just have to vent for a minute because this semester I'm taking Human Anatomy and the first day of class we're told that 10% of the class will get an A, 60% probably won't pass, and the rest will sqeak by! Now what the &*#! am I supposed to take from that. This is a hard class...well duh! But I just think that maybe it wouldn't be so hard if the flippin' class in one test didn't include half of the body.
Seriously, the first test covers not only basic anatomy, but tissues/membranes, the integumentary(skin) system & the skeletal system. Now that doesn't really seem like a lot, but if any of you have every taken this class, you will realize that the skeletal system alone covers like 4 Chapters!!! And this isn't just knowing which bone is which (which is what I already know and like to know) but it covers everything about bones.....all the way down to the atoms that make up bones.
I know I know...I'm going to be a doctor so I need to know this stuff, but maybe the class wouldn't be failed so much (and retaken so much, which means more people paying tuition AGAIN to a place that is ripping you off anyway) if they would make it like a year long class that covers the same amount of information in a longer time period, which would make it easier to learn plus easier to retain.
Anyway, I think I'm just stressed and frustrated with the whole college experience right now and am thinking what the h@!# did I get myself into! Hopefully it will get better....or worse. I'm not sure which. Okay, I'm done now!


The Bingham's said...

I feel your pain sister!! I took Human Anatomy too, a love hate relationship. Love the information, hate all the memorization that is fit into one semester. Let me know if I can help in anyway!!

G and G (Victor/ Cindy) said...

Vent away.... if it does you good and then sets you back on your path to achieve your goal. - I'll listen to you vent any day!!! ((hugs)) (Keep up the good/hard work - you'll be so happy that you did) Love ya